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An investigation of job satisfaction among secondary school teachers: The case study of Babati town council

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dc.creator Paulo, Siyoi Simon 2016-04-25T06:54:29Z 2016-04-25T06:54:29Z 2015 2018-03-24T15:40:01Z 2018-03-24T15:40:01Z
dc.description Job satisfaction among secondary school teachers in Tanzania is becoming an area of major concerns as highlighted by recent research studies and reports. Significantly job satisfaction is very essential to the continuing growth of employment system around the World. The General objective of the study is to investigate on job satisfaction among secondary school teachers as a whole and Babati Town Council in particular. The specific objectives of the study was; to determine the level of satisfaction and factors for job satisfaction among secondary school teachers, to identify the causes of job dissatisfaction among secondary school teachers and to identify measures to be taken to ensure job satisfaction among secondary school teachers at Babati Town Council. A study sample of 50 (N=50) teachers were surveyed. This study was for secondary school teachers who were chosen purposively regardless their gender (male or female), age and level of education of respondents. A case study design used since it allows an intensive investigation of a particular unit under consideration (Kothari, 2008). This research used descriptive type of case study, which investigated relationships between constructs. Using case study was advantageous to the researcher because of its focus on in depth investigation of individual, groups or organization. Sampling procedure which were used were purposive convenient sampling and purposive random sampling. The data was collected using questionnaire and documentary review methods. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics method where it used percentage in interpreting data. The study findings revealed that teachers are not satisfied with their work due to several factors; including low salaries earned, poor working and living environment, such as poor teaching facilities, lack of housing facilities, workload and lack of recognition form management, government and the society. The study suggests to the policy makers to account for these difficulties under which teachers work and live including issues of salaries, housing and recognition in order to retain committed teachers, eliminating strikes and achieving maximum quality education for the National development.
dc.language en
dc.subject Job satisfaction among secondary school teachers
dc.subject job satisfaction
dc.subject job satisfaction among secondary school teachers at Babati town council
dc.title An investigation of job satisfaction among secondary school teachers: The case study of Babati town council
dc.type Thesis

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