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Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of collection and management of revenue at Tabora district council

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dc.creator Mathias, Daniel Kahyolo 2017-04-28T15:25:40Z 2017-04-28T15:25:40Z 2013
dc.description A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Masters of Business Administration in Corporate Management of Mzumbe University 2013
dc.description The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of revenue collection and management of revenue collection. Therefore, the study intends to suggest to the management on the need to ensure system of internal control complying with organizations policies and ensure that reliable accounting system is used in accordance with financial regulation. The importance of the organization in revenue collection gained momentum after the collapse of a number of large companies such as the Enron, Tyco and WorldCom in the early 2000s. The reasons for corporate collapse were weakness in government practice in relation to internal control systems, financial collection, financial reporting quality and audit quality The findings of the study show that there is poor collection and management of revenue. Despite the fact that, there is poor collection and management of revenue the following have been depicted as specific weakness entailed in the overall system. Training at Tabora District Council is not done often. This problem is especially to the employees who are junior; they are not trained well with their work. Lack of incentives: - which help in the collection of tax e.g. Transport, lack of skills and techniques to the tax collector, Tax avoidance and evasion to the tax payer. The surveyed management of organization showed that organizations which maintain effective internal audit functions are transparent, honest and ready to be accountable for wrong doing including unethical issues. The result of the research showed that the organization has installed weak internal control systems; and thus the system cannot guarantee effectiveness of revenue collection and a proper record keeping of revenue collected.
dc.language en
dc.publisher Mzumbe University
dc.subject management of revenue
dc.title Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of collection and management of revenue at Tabora district council
dc.type Thesis

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