A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the degree of Masters in Public Administration
Mzumbe University
The rationale of this study was to explore the importance of Public-Private Partnership in the health service delivery in Tanzania. Despite increased involvement of PPP in the health service delivery in Tanzania, there is still a gap in the service delivery, raising the question is PPP the best solution (is it important?), can it improve? The study was carried out in Dar es Salaam in 2014. Data was collected from a sample of 48 patients at CCBRT hospital. Self administered questionnaires were used to collect primary data.
The findings show that the services were accessed by patients with all levels of education, 85% reported that there was accessibility of good medical services, the services are affordable as 79.2% did not pay for the services, provision of specialized services like treatment of fistula and cleft mouth which have been affecting the economy of those that have it, all the respondents agreed that CCBRT(PPP) had helped many people in their community and in the mean time it has also been a base for job creation and has helped Governments meet the international standards of health service delivery. However the challenges that each country encounters depends on the ability of the government to engage in PPP and the maturity of the private sector. The findings showed that there was inadequate infrastructure to contain the growing number of patients that need the services, lack of clear contributions from the government as CCBRT had other donors too, the study further showed that the PPPs are concentrated in urban areas since even patients came from distant rural areas. There is need for the awareness of such services because most people get to know about it from there friend who had visited CCBRT, there should be branches of PPP in rural areas, the infrastructure should be expanded and more staff employed to accommodate the growing number of patients.
The study concluded that PPP in health service delivery is important however the challenges have to be overcome if appropriate measures are taken like creating a good environment for private sector investments and government commitment and ability to negotiate better PPP terms.