A Dissertation Submitted in Partial/Fulfillment of the Requirements for Award of the Degree of Master of Public Administration (MPA) of Mzumbe University 2013
The study investigated the challenges facing the field of public service management in Tanzania. To achieve this, specific objectives were formulated including to find out the extent the economic issues affect the field of public service management in Tanzania; to ascertain the extent technological issues affect public service.
management in Tanzania; to assess the extent socio-cultural issues affect public service management in Tanzania and to find out investigate the efforts made by the government in addressing those constraints. A sample of 50 respondents were selected and data collected through questionnaires, interview and FGDs. Data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively and found out that weak economy was detrimental to the effectiveness of the public service management in Tanzania, effective salary administration in the public service management proved to be among the economic related challenges affecting the ministry.
Other findings on the challenges revealed include corruption, huge salary gaps, and salary entry points to new employees, Poor working conditions hindered improving workers performance in public service; long bureaucracy, unnecessary procedures, and not being citizen friendly affected performance of the Tanzania public service management to affect Tanzania public service management.
Lastly, the study found that government has been doing some efforts to address challenges facing public service management in Tanzania including policy formulation aimed in addressing challenges facing Tanzania public service management. However, non adherence to employment policy, employment code of good practice, poor salary and benefits reviews accompanied with corruption to some government officials play a negative role towards improving public service management.
The study recommends that government should make sure that its leaders are responsible and accountable in order to make sure that national economy grow which in the long run will enable financing public service, improve working conditions in public service and be adherence to the national employment policy and employment code of good practice in the country.