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Assessment of the Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Decision of Mobile Phone Brands: A Survey Study among University Students

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dc.creator Zephania, Glory 2020-06-29T18:29:47Z 2020-06-29T18:29:47Z 2020-06-29 2021-05-05T09:50:44Z 2021-05-05T09:50:44Z
dc.description Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science in Marketing Management of Mzumbe University
dc.description Development of mobile phones and such technologies has been growing fast in recent years, depicting a wide innovations and advancement. This indeed has emanated from consumer’s needs and preference. In this context, there is no doubt that mobile phone is one amongst the fastest growing product with the high rate adoption of new technological adavancement. Therefore, studying determinants of consumer buying decision of mobile is important to manufactures as well as marketers. This study aimed at assessing the factors which iinfluence iconsumer ibuying idecision ito imobile iphones ibrand. Specifically, this study focused on identifying mobile phone brand features affecting consumer buying decision, assessing personal factors affecting consumer buying decision on mobile phones brands, and assessing social economic factors affecting consumer buying decision to mobile phones brand. Data were collected from 200 irespondents iwho iwere iuniversity istudents, iwhereby ithe isampling itechnique iused ito iselect ithese irespondents iwas iconvenience isampling itechnique. iThe idata icollection imethod ideployed iin ithis istudy iwas iquestionnaire, ihence, ithe iquestionnaires iwere idistributed ito i200 irespondents iand iall iof ithem iwere isuccessfully ireturned, iwhich iin iturn iit ienabled ithis iresearch ito ihave i100% iresponse irate. Data were analyzed using iStatistical iPackage ifor iSocial iSciences i(SPSS), iwhereby ithe ifrequencies iand ipercentage iwere idetermined iand ipresented iin itables iand igraphs. The findings of this study indicated that all selected brand features including brand name, phone durability, phone’s physical appearance and phone’s capacity of saving charge affects consumer buying decision of mobile phones. In addition, the findings indicated that consumer buying decision of mobile phone is highly influenced by personal factors including age, gender, lifestyle and occupation. Furthermore, the results indicated that socio-economic factors including group, income, price and socio-status also influence consumer buying decision of mobile phone. Therefore, this study concluded that consumer buying decision of mobile phones is influenced by multiple factors that should have the same consideration in the manufacturing and marketing processes
dc.subject Consumer Buying Decision, Buyer's Behavior, Consumer Spending
dc.title Assessment of the Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Decision of Mobile Phone Brands: A Survey Study among University Students
dc.type Thesis

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