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A Research Report on State Obligations under International Humanitarian Law: An Assessment of the Extent of Implementation during Peace Time in Tanzania.

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dc.creator Daniel, Revina 2020-08-23T18:52:49Z 2020-08-23T18:52:49Z 2020 2021-05-05T07:28:58Z 2021-05-05T07:28:58Z
dc.identifier APA
dc.description A Research Report on State Obligations under International Humanitarian Law: An Assessment of the Extent of Implementation during Peace Time in Tanzania.
dc.description This report discusses the state's obligation under IHL, assessment of the extent of implementation of IHL obligations during peacetime in TanzaThis paper discusses the state's obligation under IHL, assessment of the extent of implementation of IHL obligations during peacetime in Tanzania. The study assesses the extent at which Tanzania has managed to implement the required International Humanitarian Obligations as a member state who ratified the Geneva Convention and its Additional Protocols. Tanzania is the chosen study area and objective of this research is to assess the extent of implementation of International Humanitarian Law in Tanzania in peacetime. In the course of this research interview and observation was used as the mode of obtaining information to the research questions raised by the researcher. The findings of this research indicate that the IHL obligations in Tanzania are implemented at a lowest and minimal extent The study recommends on the enactment of the domestic legislation to deal with humanitarian affairs, but also to ensure the effective spread of IHL knowledge to the citizens, and if possible to include IHL study in the learning programmes in all education levels. But again this research has five chapters. Where CHAPTER ONE provides for the general introduction of the research, The background of the research problem, Statement of the problem, research questions, Objective of the study which include both General and Specific objectives, again Justification of the study, significance of the study, literature review, research methodology, scope of the study, population and sampling design, data collection methods, data collection instruments, data processing and analysis, limitation of the study, chapterization and at last the conclusion. CHAPTER TWO, which provide for a conceptual framework on state obligations under International Humanitarian Law, implementation of obligations during peacetime. This chapter discussed the following concepts, The concept of peacetime, The concept of International Humanitarian Law, The concept of State obligation under International Humanitarian Law and last is the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law. CHAPTER THREE, provide for Legal and Institutional framework, on state implementation of International Humanitarian Law obligations, during peacetime. Where the instruments used are as follows, The Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949, The Additional Protocol 1and 2 of 1977, The Hague Convention of 1954, The statutes of the International Committee of the Red Cross of 2018, The statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement ofn1986, The constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977(as amended), and last, The Tanganyika Red Cross Society Act of 1962. CHAPTER FOUR, it is the chapter that provide for Data presentation and discussion of research findings. Where did questions use to assess and get the answer for this research are, To what extent Tanzania has managed to implement International Humanitarian Obligations during peacetime? Whether there are mechanisms to influence the implementation of IHL obligations during peacetime? And Whether the society is aware of IHL obligations? Also this chapter presents findings and discussion. CHAPTER FIVE, this is the last chapter to this research which provides for general conclusion and recommendations on what to do so as to cover the gap observed. nia. The study assesses the extent at which Tanzania has managed to implement the required International Humanitarian Obligations as a member state who ratified the Geneva Convention and its Additional Protocols. Tanzania is the chosen study area and objective of this research is to assess the extent of implementation of International Humanitarian Law in Tanzania in peacetime. In the course of this research interview and observation was used as the mode of obtaining information to the research questions raised by the researcher. The findings of this research indicate that the IHL obligations in Tanzania are implemented at a lowest and minimal extent The study recommends on the enactment of the domestic legislation to deal with humanitarian affairs, but also to ensure effective spread of IHL knowledge to the citizens, and if possible to include IHL study in the learning programmes in all education levels. But again this research has five chapters. Where CHAPTER ONE provides for general introduction of the research, The background of the research problem, Statement of the problem, research questions, Objective of the study which include both General and Specific objectives, again Justification of the study, significance of the study, literature review, research methodology, scope of the study, population and sampling design, data collection methods, data collection instruments, data processing and analysis, limitation of the study, chapterization and at last the conclusion. CHAPTER TWO, which provide for conceptual framework on state obligations under International Humanitarian Law, implementation of obligations during peacetime. This chapter discussed the following concepts, The concept of peacetime, The concept of International Humanitarian Law, The concept of State obligation under International Humanitarian Law and last is the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law. CHAPTER THREE, provide for Legal and Institutional framework, on state implementation of International Humanitarian Law obligations, during peacetime. Where the instruments used are as follows, The Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949, The Additional Protocol 1and 2 of 1977, The Hague Convention of 1954, The statutes of the International Committee of the Red Cross of 2018, The statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement ofn1986, The constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977(as amended), and last The Tanganyika Red Cross Society Act of 1962. CHAPTER FOUR, it is the chapter that provide for Data presentation and discussion of Research findings. Where questions used to assess and get the answer for this research are, To what extent Tanzania has managed to implement International Humanitarian Obligations during peacetime? Whether there are mechanisms to influence the implementation of IHL obligations during peacetime? And Whether the society is aware of IHL obligations? Also this chapter presents findings and discussion. CHAPTER FIVE, this is the last chapter to this research which provides for general conclusion and recommendations on what to do to cover the gap observed.
dc.language en
dc.publisher Mzumbe University
dc.subject State, International Humanitarian Law, Peace
dc.title A Research Report on State Obligations under International Humanitarian Law: An Assessment of the Extent of Implementation during Peace Time in Tanzania.
dc.type Thesis

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