A Dissertation submitted to the School of Public Administration and Management in partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the Master of Science in Health Monitoring and Evaluation of Mzumbe University 2019
Introduction: Family Planning (FP) program is a key strategy for reducing maternal, infant and child morbidity. Effective Provision of PPFP prevents unplanned pregnancy during 12 months after delivery. Objective: The aim of this evaluation was to evaluate factors associated with utilization of IPPFP in Ilala Municipality.
Methods: Descriptive Cross-sectional study design deployed both quantitative and qualitative methods for data collection and analysis. Selection of six Health Facilities used probability sampling strategies, with cluster sampling, non-probability sampling technique was used to select 395 who were selected conveniently and were given coded structured, translated to Kiswahili and pre-tested questionnaire to collect data. Quantitative observation checklist was used to quantify resources availability. Data were entered into the Microsoft excel sheet and imported into the STATA version 13 for data cleaning before analysis. Chi square test analysis was used to create the relationship between IPPFP services and the utilization of it. For Qualitative data, Purposive sampling methods were used to select health workers who had key information, and used in depth interview guide. Content analysis was used to analyze the data, transcription of the interview, formation of meaning units, condensation of the unit followed by codes formation then themes were created to produce report.
Findings: The study findings show 79(20) % of clients were discharged with IPPFP. Aassociation was found between IPPFP use and counseling session (p-value 0.023), session clearly understood (p-value 0.030). Another finding which has no association was stock out of medical supplies and equipment for IPPFP, (p-value 0.360) and adequate room (p-value 0.332).
Conclusion: There is low utilization of IPPFP use in Ilala Municipality. Reason for not using the service were; pain following delivery, not discussed with their husband, fear from side effect of methods and husband not approved to use IPPFP. Recommendation: Therefore, individual counseling, community and male involvement should be promoted to increase IPPFP utilization.