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The Learning Experiences of Ba tik and Ti e and Dye Small-S cal e Exporters in Arusha and Dar es sal a am, Tanzania

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dc.creator Rasheli, Geraldine Arbogast
dc.creator Mosha, Goodluck 2015-02-23T08:02:28Z 2015-02-23T08:02:28Z 2006-07-05
dc.description This study used the Learning Organization theo retical fram ework. It aimed at looking how tie and dye and batik entrepreneurs are learni ng to export their products in both regional and international m a rkets. The units of enquiry in this qualitati ve research were sm all-scal e batik and tie and dye garm ent producers as well as firm s involved in pr oduction and export. Arusha and Dar es salaam were selected as areas of study because of their activeness in batik and tie and dye business. S e ven cases from each town were selected with the snowballing techn i que being us ed, where one re spondent was asked to iden tify the other. Prim ary data was collected for analy s is using structured interview guide. The results showed that the m o re e xperienced entrepreneurs learn how to export m o re than the relativ ely inexperienced ones, and there were m o re wom e n entrepreneurs than m e n. Those exporting had m o re children and depe ndants than those who sold locally. They learn e d to export in ord e r to g e t m o re inco m e to support their fam ilies. The im pact of education was not clear as entrepreneurs with di fferent levels are involved in export. Most export to the East African region. Entrepreneur s learn to export thro ugh participating in exhibitions, prom oting their business, dealing with interm ediaries and training received in their for m e r jobs, including UNIDO, SIDO, ADAT, Tabata Developm ent Fund and Anglican Developm ent Agency. They also learn through work experience, networking, export procedures, business em ployees and also through solving custom ers’ com p laints. Local authorities in areas wher e the batik business is active should help in training these people on m a rketing especially regionally and internationally. NGOs dealing with entrepreneurship should focus their training in m a rketing issues instead of dealing with production only. Since the study is a qualitative one with a sm a ll sa m p le, further survey is needed to qu antify the results so as to m a ke m o re ge neral conclusions.
dc.language en
dc.publisher African Clothing and Footware Research Network
dc.subject Tye and Dye
dc.subject SME
dc.title The Learning Experiences of Ba tik and Ti e and Dye Small-S cal e Exporters in Arusha and Dar es sal a am, Tanzania
dc.type Article

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