A Compulsory Research Report Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for Award of the Bachelors of Law (L.L.B) Degree of Mzumbe University
Tanzania is a country where the environmental pollution including water bodies is widespread. In its effort to protection environment specifically water bodies, the government of Tanzania adopting various statutes, regulation and policies aimed at preventing environmental pollution including water bodies in the country. Despite having laws in force, Tanzania has been unable to establish the effective protection on the environment including the water bodies.
The researcher deployed documentary review to collect and gather data and information through published and unpublished legal resource materials which cover the area of study such as books, published reports, speech, article, Journals and websites. The reason of using documentary review is to enable the researcher to get more knowledge on the problem to be researched and also to know what has been addressed by other researcher’s. In chapter two a conceptual framework was provided in order to explain the key terms as well as the effect liquid waste as well as principle of environmental laws. Under chapter three, covers international and regional legal instruments on the protection of environment including water bodies, chapter four feeds domestic legal and institutional framework on the protection of environment including water bodies. In Chapter Five, data and findings were presented and analyzed to prove the three hypotheses molded in chapter one. Chapter Six gave the possible solutions that can be used to solve this problem, so that to ensure the effective protection of environment including water bodies.