A Compulsory Research Report Submitted to the Faculty of Law in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Award of Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Degree of Mzumbe University
This study examines widows and daughters inheritance rights in Tanzania, This study was guided by the following research questions:” What are the laws that give
rights to the widows and daughters in inheritance and succession in Tanzania? What
are the laws that are discriminative to widows and daughters on issues of inheritance
in Tanzania? How do these laws discriminate widows and daughters in inheritance
and succession in Tanzania? and What is to be done in order to rescue the rights of
widows and daughters in inheritance and succession in Tanzania?”
The study involved a sample of 20 respondents and random sampling technique was employed. Primary and secondary data were collected using interviews, questionnaire and from documents read during the literature review.
The findings show that Islamic and Customary law discriminate widows and daughters’ inheritance rights in our society, through the distribution of little or no shares at all to widow, women and daughters of the deceased.
The study, therefore, recommends this problem to be solved by amending the discriminating laws. This should be done by various parties such as human right activists, legislature, judiciary, NGOs and ordinary citizens.