A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Leadership and Management of Mzumbe University
This study was designed to assess the contribution of Health Facility Governing
Committees (HFGCs) towards increasing utilization of Maternal, Neo-Natal and
Child Health (MNCH) Services at the dispensary Level in Bahi District Council,
Dodoma Region. Specifically, the study was intended to determine the extent in
which HFGC’s contribute or influence the deliverance and utilization of quality
MNCH services and exploring the challenges that hinder the increasing of MNCH
services utilization at dispensary level.
Descriptive case study design was used whereby a sample size of 67 respondents
which includes 16 Chairman of HFGCs, 16 Medical Officers In-Charge, 16
Community members around the facility, 3 Representatives from NGO/FBO and 16
Village Office Leaders. Purposive and convenience sampling techniques were
applied. Data collection methods used were Interview, questionnaire, FGDs and
documentary review. Quantitative data were collected through documentary/database
review and expressed in numeric forms and carried out in Ms. Excel software and
presented in tables and graphs. Qualitative data, opinions and observations collected
through unstructured questions were transcribed and summarized to narrative form
based on contents.
The study findings revealed that, HFGCs contribute to the increasing utilization of
MNCH due to the rise of quality and accessibility of service provided. In relation to
that, the study found that, there are an increase of coverage of ANC first and four
visits, ANC Deworming rate, Vitamin A supplementation, improved patient’s safety
through improved IPC services and reduction of time spend by client at the facility.
However, challenges such as slow coverage of IPT2 doses to pregnant mother,
postnatal services 7 days after delivery and low managerial capacity to HFGCs were
experienced. Thus, Council should continue building capacity on leadership and
management, conduct effective supportive supervision on both technical and
financial dimensions. Policy makers should ensure mechanisms for making HFGCs
functional are in place.