A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Award of the Degree of Master in Public Administration of Mzumbe University
The ioverall ipurpose iof ithis istudy iwas ito iinvestigate ithe iimpacts iof iemployees’
imotivation ion iorganizational iperformance iwhile iusing iExport iProcessing iZone
iAuthority ias icase istudy. Objectives of the study were; to determine imotivational
ilevel iof iemployees iat iExport iProcessing iZones iAuthority; ito iexamine ithe
iimplementation iof imotivation ischeme iat iExport iProcessing iZones iAuthority; ito
iexamine iperformance iof ithe iExport iProcessing iZones iAuthority ifor ithe ipast ithree
iyears, to determine ithe iimpacts iof imotivation itechniques ion ithe iperformance iof ithe
iEPZA iand to iexamine ifactors ithat ifacilitate ior iimpinges iemployee imotivation.. iA
icase istudy iresearch idesign iwas iused during the study. iData icollection method used
was iface ito iface iinterviews and data collection instrument was iinterview iguide.
iPurposive isampling iwas iused ito iselect ithe irespondents ifor ithe istudy. iThe iinclusion
icriterion iwas choosing respondent from each department. iData iobtained iwere ithen
ianalyzed iusing icontent ianalysis imethod. The ioverall ifindings ifrom ithe istudy irevealed
ithat, iemployees’ imotivation ihad ia isignificant iimpact ion ithe iEPZA iperformance. iIn
iparticular, iit iwas ifound ithat iEPZA ihas iset iof itargets. iThe irealization iof ithose itargets
iwere iinfluenced iby ithe imotivational itechniques iemployed. iFor iexample, iit iwas ifound
ithat iin ithe ipast ithree iyears. iIn iparticular, iexports iearnings iby icompanies iinvesting iin
iEPZA ihas iincreased iby i12.6 ipercent ito i1.34 ibillion iin i2018 ias icompared ito i2017. iOn
ithe iother ihand, ithe istudy ihas ifound ithat ialthough iEPZA ihas iboth imonetary iand inonmonetary
imotivation itechniques iit iuses ito iinfluence ithe iperformance iof iits istaffs, ithe
isame ihave inot ibeen ieffectively iutilized iparticularly ithe inon-financial itechniques ilike
irecognition iand iappreciation. iEPZA ilack iof icommitments iin iupholding inonmotivational
itechniques ilike iappreciation iand irecognition ihas inegatively iimpacted ithe
irealization iof iits ikey itargets isuch ias ifor ithe ipromotion iand iattraction iof iforeign
iinvestment iin iexport ioriented isector ihas inot ibeen irealized. iThe istudy iconcludes ithat
imotivation iof iemployees iin ithe iworkplace iplays ia isignificant irole itowards
iorganizational iperformance. iThe istudy irecommends ithat; iEPZA ishould iconsider
ihaving iclear imotivational iin iits ihuman iresources imanagement ipolicies ias ithe
imechanism ito iincrease iindividual iperformance iand ithat iof ithe iEPZA ias ithe iwhole.