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“The iImpacts iof iEmployability iSkills iProgram ito ithe iAbsorption iof Vocational Education iTraining iGraduates iin ithe iJob iMarket iin iTanzania: iThe iCase iof iVETA iDar ies iSalaam iZone” iin

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dc.creator NGOWI, DIANA E. 2020-11-16T11:24:26Z 2020-11-16T11:24:26Z 2020 2021-05-05T08:21:52Z 2021-05-05T08:21:52Z
dc.identifier APA
dc.description A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Award of the Degree of Master of Public Administration (MPA) of Mzumbe University
dc.description This study assessed ithe iimpact iof iemployee iskills iprograms on graduates’ employability especially in Vocational Education Training (VET). In particular, the study iassessed ithe iimpact iof iemployability iskills iprogram ion ithe iabsorption iof iVocational iEducation iTraining iGraduates iin ithe iJob iMarket iand iexplore iemployers’ iperception ion iVET igraduates taking Dar es Salaam zone as a case study. This iresearch iinvolved ia itotal iof i30 iparticipants irandomly iselected ifrom ithree idifferent icategories iof iinstructors, igraduates iand iemployers. The respondents were categorized as follows; 8 instructors, 12 graduates and 10 employers. iFace ito iface iinterview iwas iemployed ito igather iinformation ifrom ithe iparticipants iand iqualitative iapproach iwas iused ito ianalyze idata. In particular, the researcher applied thematic analysis. The findings of the study irevealed ithat, icurrently, Vocational iEducation iand iTraining iAuthority (VETA) ihas isome iemployability iskills iprograms imparted to graduates such ias ibusiness icommunication, ilife iskills iand ientrepreneurship iskills. The study recommends for the introduction of more employability skills training programs with a view to enhance VET graduates’ employment, developing skills and improving human resources. In particular, VETA should consider incorporating such soft skills programs as teamwork, ipositive iattitude, itime imanagement, iinterpersonal iskills, icritical ithinking, ipersuasion iskills, ICT skills iand iproject imanagement.
dc.language en
dc.publisher Mzumbe University
dc.subject developing skills
dc.title “The iImpacts iof iEmployability iSkills iProgram ito ithe iAbsorption iof Vocational Education iTraining iGraduates iin ithe iJob iMarket iin iTanzania: iThe iCase iof iVETA iDar ies iSalaam iZone” iin
dc.type Thesis

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