A Dissertation Submitted to Mzumbe University in Partial Fulfillment for the Award
of a Masters of Science degree in Supply Chain and Logistics Management of
Mzumbe University
The general objective of the study was to explain the effectiveness of Procurement Entities
(PEs) in supplier evaluation and selection by focusing on selected PEs as a case study.
Specifically, the study aimed to explore on the significance of supplier evaluation and
selection procedures, examine procedures used by PEs to evaluate and select suppliers,
and identify challenge faced by PEs in supplier selection.
The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam at the Head Offices of PES and used case
study research design and used both, primary and secondary data collection methods.
Primary data were collected with the use of questionnaires and interview guides, as well as
personal observation. Secondary data collection involved the perusal of various
From the findings of the study, the researcher concludes that supplier evaluation and
selection process done by PES are done properly with the exception of past performance
analysis. These findings suggest that PES is effective in conducting the supplier evaluation
and selection process. However, there are many challenges such as corruption, shortage of
staff and lack of awareness of procurement regulations.
To overcome these challenges, the researcher recommends that PEs, should consider
suppliers who have demonstrated reliability by fulfilling its obligation of the contract
despite any contingencies or emergencies that may arise. Also, PEs should provide
frequent training in form of seminars and workshops to staff members and suppliers so
that they become aware of procurement regulation used by PEs.