A Dissertation submitted to Mzumbe UniversityDar es Salaam Campus College in
the Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Master of Science in
Procurement and Supply Chain Management Degree of Mzumbe University.
The study was to assess the extent to which tendering system links public institutions with
the value for money in the procurement process. The study has the following specific
objectives, Identify and explains the role of tendering system in procurement in public
organizations, to identify and assess the practice of tendering in procurement in public
organization, to determine the challenges associated with tendering in procurement in
public organizations.
The Research methodology concerned about data collection where the researcher applied
systematic approaches in data collection. Both qualitative and quantitative were used to
the 32 respondents from Ministry of Finance. Closed and open ended questions were used
where the collected data were coded and analyzed by using Statistical Package for social
Science (PSS) and Microsoft excel where table and figures were drawn.
It was concluded that, tendering system are moderate adhered by MOF as prescribed in
PPA, 2004 and its regulations 2005 this is because the MOF is fully equipped with
personals having adequate knowledge of the respective professional, currently our
Government finding itself in deep critical legal problems with the various companies due
to the violation of the tendering procedure the live example is that of Tanesco and
Dowans. The Ministry is seldom get complains from suppliers or contractors this reflects a
big step in the procurement field compared with the past years. These procurement
principles are sometimes refer to the good governance of the Ministry of Finance
It is recommended that, management should train their employees and allow them to
participate in seminars which conducted at national and international level, to be aware
with the current matter on procurement guidelines, policy and procedure. There must be
internal and external stock verifier whose main function is to check for the procedure from
initial point of procurement up to the disposal of goods for adherence to PPA and its
Regulations. E – tendering should be introduced in the public procurement in order to
increase transparency and save time. This would help to avoid complain because every
bidder can see what is going on during the process of procurement, evaluation until the
winner is obtained
The researcher really hope that output from this study shall be practical use