A Dissertation Submitted to Mzumbe University in Partial Fulfilment of the
Requirements for an Award of a Master Degree of Science in Procurement and
Supply Chain Management (MSC-PSCM) of Mzumbe University
This dissertation was designed to find out whether TBL were experiencing
contribution of containerization in logistics and supply chain management and to see
challenges in regards to containerization modal of transportation as a strategy
towards efficiency and effectiveness in logistics and supply chain management. The
issue of significance here is that, although the organization invested much on
developing containerization in logistics and supply chain management in some past
years, yet there were no assurance of performing effectively and efficiently in the
area of logistics and supply chain management in the organization.
The major findings have demonstrated that TBL were experiencing much
contributions as it was revealed that by 90% of respondents, the contributions
demonstrated suggests that some of these had its roots from the management side
where some were the outcome of containerization modal.To illustrate this, the most
pressing aspects of which these contributions lies are as follows; the TBL
management revealed that the organization reduced cost of transportation of its raw
materials from abroad by 50% due to the use of containerization. The respondents
said that through containerization modal the company enjoys much use of modern
equipment in off loading materials which saves time of performing the task, and it
was noticed that respondents in the department of Logistics and Supply Management
were proud of working at the company.