A Dissertation Submitted to the Institute of Development Studies in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for award of the Master of Science in
Development Policy (MSc. DP) Degree of Mzumbe University
This study was conducted in Morogoro District, covering Mvuha and Ngerengere
Wards. In Mvuha Ward, two Villages were involved, namely, Tulo and Msonge;
while in Ngerengere Ward, Sinyaulime and Ngerengere villages were involved.
Broadly the study investigated the contribution of Village Community Bank
(VICOBA) in household rice production. The study was set to specifically
accomplish the following objectives:; examining people perception towards
VICOBA; determining the contribution of VICOBA in household rice production
and exploring the constraints facing household rice production among VICOBA
members. A Cross sectional research design was used where by quantitative and
qualitative data were collected by using questionnaire and key informants
interviews respectively. Qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis
while quantitative data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social
Science (SPSS).
The findings indicated that, people had the perception that VICOBA was of much
help in enabling investment in agriculture particulay in rice production. The results
also revealed that VICOBA contributed to the development of household rice
production by providing training and soft loan for purchasing of agricultural inputs
like fertilizers and improved seeds. Small rice farming households face several
challenges, including seasonality, trends and shocks.
The study concludes that, the knowledge of VICOBA to members on how to
perform well in rice farming in saving and access to soft loans increase the income
and improves their production as members can use the loans to buy agricultural inputs
is recommended from this study that, District Councils through Agricultural
Departments in collaboration with SEDIT should provide full training to VICOBA
groups on how to use modern technology of farming, such as seeds and fertilizers.