A radio diagnostic facility should account for each X-ray film it uses. Through reject repeat
analysis it’s easy to manage film use, check on equipment performance, reduce cost of repeated
films, measure the efficiency of the radio diagnostic facility, reduce the number of rejected films,
and reduce radiation exposure to patients and workers together with improving the quality of
radiographs. The aim of the present study was to investigate image quality of plain radiographs
in the radio-diagnostic and imaging facility at KCMC hospital.
This was a cross section study performed in the radio diagnostic and imaging department at
KCMC hospital using conventional film system during the study period, where by all films
which met inclusion criteria were included in the study.
Reject rate along with its causes was assessed across all plain film (radiograph) examinations in
the department. A total of 2445 films were assessed whereby 266 films were rejected. Exposure
error constituted 56% of the overall causes of film rejection in the department. Other causes were
Fog due to light exposure (9.4%), positioning error (5.3%), processing error (5.3%), double
exposure (4.5%), no identification (3.4%), faulty printer (1.5%), artefacts (0.8%), non-exposed
films or no image (9.8%) and movement (4.1%).The loss of revenue per month due to 215
rejected/repeated films (radiographs)was approximately 1,112,000/= Tsh.
The study has shown the high reject rate which exceeded the acceptable range with inappropriate
exposure parameters being the foremost cause of rejection. Exposure error and other individual
causes of reject have given light into some of the most common problems of quality of
radiography service which can be tackled as indicated in the recommendations. These may be
useful for improving radiography practice thus patient and personnel dose optimization, effective
and sustainable service delivery and good economic management of scarce resources.