Technical study report
The DVB-receivers for different transmission scheme used are the same except for demodulator. Hence, if interoperability is introduced enabling a single set top box to be used to receive DVB-T, DVB-S and DVB-C signals it shall be cheaper than acquiring three of them; one for each media. Fig. 1 shows the general interoperability concept.
Interoperability can be addressed by looking at the architecture of STB. There are two concepts for the architecture; Open Architecture and Interoperable. The different functional modules in STB are associated with Intellectual property (IP). Open architecture needs all the Intellectual properties used in STB to be governed by the fair reasonable non discriminatory (FRND) terms set by recognized international bodies. An interoperable STB should have the capability to receive signals from any of the DVB transmission type. However, this is not necessary for low-end interoperable STB. It may suffice when it can do so a given transportation scheme. However, this is one dimension of interoperability. Conditional access is another shown in fig. 1 that has to be addressed.
The cost of STB has been an issue for digital migration strategy for terrestrial TV broadcasting in many countries that needed to be addressed to promote quick digital take-up. Different strategies were adopted by different countries ranging from providing free set-top-boxes to some house holds to subside to tax relief. Hence, having a single STB to receive all terrestrial broadcasting services from different players for FTA and scrambled services is another strategy intended to address consumer needs and convenience.