Ng'habi, Kija R.; John, Bernadette; Nkwengulila, Gamba; Knols, Bart G. J.; Killeen, Gerry F.; Ferguson, Heather M.
The success of sterile or transgenic Anopheles for malaria control depends on their
mating competitiveness within wild populations. Current evidence suggests that transgenic
mosquitoes have reduced fitness. One means of compensating for this fitness deficit would be to
identify environmental conditions that increase their mating competitiveness, and incorporate
them into laboratory rearing regimes.
Anopheles gambiae larvae were allocated to three crowding treatments with the same
food input per larva. Emerged males were competed against one another for access to females, and
their corresponding longevity and energetic reserves measured.
Males from the low-crowding treatment were much more likely to acquire the first
mating. They won the first female approximately 11 times more often than those from the highcrowding
treatment (Odds ratio = 11.17) and four times more often than those from the mediumcrowding
treatment (Odds ratio = 3.51). However, there was no overall difference in the total
number of matings acquired by males from different treatments (p = 0.08). The survival of males
from the low crowding treatment was lower than those from other treatments. The body size and
teneral reserves of adult males did not differ between crowding treatments, but larger males were
more likely to acquire mates than small individuals.
Larval crowding and body size have strong, independent effects on the mating
competitiveness of adult male An. gambiae. Thus manipulation of larval crowding during mass
rearing could provide a simple technique for boosting the competitiveness of sterile or transgenic
male mosquitoes prior to release