It is a normal practice for academic institutions to store student academic information such as
examination results in a dedicated computer server system and allow students to access them when
necessary. Most of these systems are web based information management systems, which they are
accessible via internet only. The aim of this paper, it is to present how to enhance the existing systems
by adding SMS functionality to them. The development of an enhanced system, which I named it as
Students’ Academic Records Management System with Short Message Services, will be used as an
example. This is a system, which provides students’ with an alternative way of accessing their
academic records using short message service (SMS) apart from the internet. For developing the
system, PHP has been used as a programming language, Database for storing students’ examination
results and SMS request history, SMS gateway for routing requests and reply messages to and from the
system and waterfall model has used as a software development methodology. This system provides the
capability for students to access their examination results using SMS, when it is impossible to access
via the internet. Additionally, Students’ Academic Records Management System with Short Message
Services is a working system, which was tested in a real environment, and it seems to work fine.