The purpose of this research is to conduct and analyze TANESCO‟s Marketing Strategies
in provision of Quality Service towards Customers satisfaction in Dar-es-Salaam Offices.
The study cites seven elements of service marketing mix which are product, price,
promotion, place, people, physical evidence and process more over this research aims at
establishing if these strategies are used by TANESCO in their day-to-day activities and
whether they help TANESCO employees to provide quality services.
TANESCO, being a service firm, applies all of the above elements of marketing.
However, this research focused on three elements (additional 3P‟s): People, Process and
Physical evidence. „People‟ is the strategy which shows the importance of employees in
service marketing, with an emphasis on the staff selection, recruitment, training and
development. The influence of the „Physical evidence‟ on corporate image and customer
perception is an important aspect in service marketing. Process is concerned with
functional aspects of service delivery, such as queuing systems, timeliness and quality of
supply. These three elements will be abbreviated as 3P‟s.
The use of marketing strategies in providing quality service towards customer‟s
satisfaction is ascertained by assessing the functional quality dimensions, the relationship
between functional quality and customer satisfaction is examined using customer
perception of satisfaction factors. A total number of 80 customers and 40 TANESCO
employees have been drawn from TANESCO database at its offices in Dar es Salaam
The study found deficiencies in the use of marketing strategies in providing quality
service towards customer‟s satisfaction. The results of the study shows that a significant
portion of the respondents shows dissatisfaction with TANESCO services regarding
process, physical environment and staff behavior towards customers. Further, the study
recommended the improvement of customer care training for TANESCO employees,
improved electricity connection procedures and providing adequate technical and office
equipment for company work.