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Phonological Processes of Shambaa

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dc.creator MNDEME, Anuarite S 2022-02-09T08:12:59Z 2022-02-09T08:12:59Z 2021 2022-04-04T14:09:05Z 2022-04-04T14:09:05Z
dc.description The study focuses on the Phonological Processes of Shambaa language. The main objective is to examine the effects of phonological processes of Shambaa language. The study was guided by specific objectives namely; to describe phonological processes of Shambaa and to establish phonological rules governing phonological processes of Shambaa. The area of study was Mlalo, Ubiri and Vuga in Lushoto District-Tanga region. The study applied qualitative approach. The researcher collected data from Shambaa native speakers through interview, documentation and introspection. The findings of this study revealed a number of phonological processes such as: glide formation, vowel lengthening, high vowel deletion, glide insertion, vowel nasalization, consonants deletion, epenthesis, voicing as well as homorganic nasal assimilation, aspiration and substitution. The findings further reveal seven vowels and twenty nine consonant sounds from which the Shambaa grammar and vocabularies are formed. In these formed vocabularies we have discovered that during articulation of sounds, some phonemes change the place, manner and voicing. Some are lengthened, some are deleted and others are inserted in the environment they did not exist before, following their rules and rule ordering respectively. Finally, as it is impossible for this study to deal with all phonological processes, we recommend that other researchers conduct more researches on Shambaa language and come up with more theories and results. The study concludes that, the phonological process has the effect on Shambaa speech sounds.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher SAUT
dc.subject Language / Phonology
dc.title Phonological Processes of Shambaa

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