This study aimed to investigate the contribution of skill development to self-employment.
The study specifically aimed to identify skills development programs required for self employment among youth. To identify the roles of stakeholders in contributing to skills
development programs on self-employment among youth and to examine factors hindering
the contribution of skills development programs towards self-employment among youth.
The researcher to collect primary data through questionnaires and interviews from the
sample size of 200 respondents. The study employed SPSS software to analyze through
which frequency distribution tables, descriptive statistics and regression analysis strategies
were employed in this study. Based on the findings through questionnaires and interviews it
can be concluded that skills development programs are very important for youth self–
employment in society. That skills development contributes highly to the youth in the
determination of entrepreneurship opportunities; it then gives youth time to learn about the
management of their enterprises as well as creating a link between one economic sector to
another. However, it was established that there are challenges facing skills development
programs among youth, which need to be mitigated properly to obtain positive, results
about the improvement of youth self–employment.