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The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Enhancing Social and Economic Development to Local Communities

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dc.creator MASHAURI, Emma 2021-08-20T10:59:42Z 2021-08-20T10:59:42Z 2014-11 2022-04-05T08:29:32Z 2022-04-05T08:29:32Z
dc.description The purpose of the study was to examine the role of EMEDO in enhancing social and economic development to local communities. The study was guided by 4 specific objectives which were to underscore the extent to which social economic development was enhanced by EMEDO among local communities, to assess perceptions of local communities towards the functioning activities by EMEDO, to document the social and economic impacts of organizations in the context of social development and to assess how local communities can best identify and address the issues of social economic development. Before conducting the study, the researcher went through various literatures in order to find out what other researchers had covered on the subject, and what research gaps needed attention. Two theories namely, expectancy theory and Institutional theory, guided this study. The institutional theory consists of being aware of the legal and institutional conditions which exist outside a company but intensely affect its performance and ability to achieve legitimacy which is necessary for its survival. This theory examines the role of social influence and social conformity in shaping organizations. Expectancy theory is about the mental processes involved in making choices. In organizational behavior, expectancy theory holds how motivation shapes the individuals decision to behave in a certain way because they select a behavior over other behaviors due to the expected results of the selected behavior. Methodological triangulation was used to get reliable and evident results in order to enhance confidence in the resulting findings. Data was collected using in-depth interviews and survey xvi questionnaires and was examined, analyzed and presented by tables and charts and description was made for clarity. The researcher employed a non-equivalent group design under quasi experimental design where respondents were separated in a treatment group and a comparison group. Sample size was 74 respondents. The major finding of the study was community empowerment and capacity building was the solution to sustain the social and economic development programmes, enhanced by EMEDO to local communities. However self-realization to fight poverty was another important aspect for sustainability, in regard with capacities to manage the programmes from their initial stages to the outcomes. The study recommends the following: first the capacity building and community empowerment programmes should be engaged in Local Government Authorities budgets for implementation from grass root levels, second, NGOs should network and advocate for social and economic development as a stand-alone agenda, lastly social and economic enhancement should be progressive and goal oriented with particular regards of self-development.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher SAUT
dc.subject Non Goverrnment Organizations
dc.subject Economic development
dc.title The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Enhancing Social and Economic Development to Local Communities
dc.title The Case of the Environmental Management and Economic Development Organization (EMEDO)
dc.type Thesis

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