Munishi, Dr. Emmanuel J.
Most literature has portrayed urban migrants as passive victims of labour exploitation highlighting
mainly migrants’ strategies of coping with labour exploitation and their inability to cope. This paper
puts forward an alternative perspective that urban migrants are not the passive victims of urban labour
exploitation but they also have various unique capacities of coping with the threat. The paper thus
explores labour exploitation threat to specifically determine the migrants’ capacity to cope with the
threat and recommend factors for enhancing the migrants’ capacities to cope with the threat. Based on
the multi-layered social resilience framework, the paper adopts qualitative approach drawing on 50
migrants, 30 households’ representatives, 20 key informants, and 3 Focus Group Discussion (FGD);
supplemented by review of secondary data. Findings revealed that migrants drew mainly on individual
and household levels, to develop reactive and proactive capacities of coping with various labour
exploitation threats; suggesting that more potential could be tapped from meso, national and
international levels to support the migrants to more competently cope with the threats. In this case
migrants’ competencies against the threat could be more improved through the amelioration of their,
formal skills and rendering the existing meso, national, and international institutions more responsive
towards various forms of labour exploitation threats. The findings of this study shed new light on an
alternative way of understanding labour exploitation threat in the urban context and ways of building
capacities of urban migrants and other vulnerable groups involved in threats to more competently cope
with the threats.