Msigwa, Robert Ebihart; Bwana, Kembo M.
This paper examines the parking challenges in urban cities of Tanzania with a view to provide effective suggestions to overcome the challenges. It is an explicit reality that the effectiveness of the parking policies is compromised with the perceived tension of three objectives which are governed by parking including; regeneration, restraint and revenue. This study suggests that municipalities and council authorities have an obligation to provide education to people pertaining the cost of driving within the city and encourage nonmotorized system to road users such as walking, cycling etc.; to ensure that any additional parking revenues are invested in developing the infrastructures; provide reliable information to inform people where they are allowed to park; to employ professionalism particularly parking attendants, applying friendly technology to charge parked cars and the cost of doing business within the city center should be elaborated to population. Finally, this study suggests that in order to reduce traffic congestions and delays at road intersections or junctions in the city such as on-street parking should be discouraged and adequate off-street parking facilities should be provided.