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Mobile Technology Usage for Street Traders ’ Market Search in Dodoma—Urban Tanzania: An Exploratory Study

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dc.creator Rumanyika, Joel
dc.creator Tedre, Matti
dc.creator Mikko, Apiola
dc.creator Mramba, Nasibu Rajabu 2019-11-08T05:53:12Z 2019-11-08T05:53:12Z 2019-09 2022-10-20T08:35:14Z 2022-10-20T08:35:14Z
dc.identifier 1936-0282
dc.description Increased access to mobile technologies has significantly contributed to almost all types of work, including informal work. Mobile phones are one such technology that has been exponentially adopted and used by street traders. However, there is limited information about how street traders use mobile phones to search for new markets. This study investigated street traders’ mobile usage for new market search in Dodoma, Tanzania. Qualitative data were collected using in-depth interviews with 29 street traders, followed by a focus group discussion with eight street traders. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The results show that using mobile phones to search for new markets is scarcely practiced due to certain challenges, such as high costs, technical problems, misuse of mobile contacts by customers, and a concentration of similar products in one location. The findings call for a reduction of mobile service costs, improvement of mobile infrastructure, and provision of education to street traders and customers so that they learn how to use mobile phones for business communication more effectively as well as to abide by communication ethics
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Business Education Journal
dc.relation Volume 11;Issue 4
dc.subject Mobile technology, Mobile phone, Street traders, Market search, Tanzania
dc.title Mobile Technology Usage for Street Traders ’ Market Search in Dodoma—Urban Tanzania: An Exploratory Study
dc.type Article

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