The study concetrated on the „„Influence of Misungwi District Education Leadership
upon Primary School Teacher In-service Training‟‟ and is more traced back since the
introduction of Universal Primary Education (UPE) under Musoma declaration in 1974,
where primary schools increased in number. With respect to the goal of achieving
universal primary education as has been on the international agenda since the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights affirmed, in 1948, that elementary education was to be
made free and compulsory available for all children in all nations.
The study covered the general objective which required to understand the influence of
district education leaders upon primary school teacher in-service training. A total of 110
respondents were involved in the study also the study has witnessed the validity and
reliability of some theories such as Instructional theory and Personal theory. The
respondents were obtained through systematic random sampling, and purposive
sampling. Interviews, questionnaire and documentary review were instruments used in
data collection. The study used the qualitative and quantitative data analysis
techniques, where by quantitative data were analysed using a Statistical Package for
Social Science (SPSS) version 20.
The researcher recommends that district education departments are required to support
in-service training at all levels, upgrading teachers should be involved in district
education plans, setting of in-service training courses on good coordination among
teachers versus educational administration