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Effectiveness of School – Community in Communication in Tanzanian Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Nyamagana District Mwanza Region

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dc.creator FLORENCE, Joel 2022-01-21T09:42:46Z 2022-01-21T09:42:46Z 2014-11 2022-10-21T10:11:10Z 2022-10-21T10:11:10Z
dc.description The main objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of school-community communication in Tanzanian secondary schools in Nyamagana district. This study employed mixed method approach. The sample size included in this study was 395. The sampling procedures used was simple random and purposive. The main finding of this study revealed that in public secondary schools there was no effective communication between the school administration and local community while in private schools there is effective communication between the school administration and the local community. The study concluded that, effective communication is fundamental to running schools, whether private or public to achieve the intended objectives. The study, therefore, recommends that heads of community secondary schools should develop a tendency of involving local community in making decisions for the sake of increasing student‟s performance in national examinations. Also the Ministry of education and vocational training should design continuous workshops for heads of schools aimed at helping them to improve their skills in the whole process of running school programs.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher SAUT
dc.subject Communication; Community Schools
dc.title Effectiveness of School – Community in Communication in Tanzanian Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Nyamagana District Mwanza Region
dc.type Thesis

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