The purpose of guidance and counseling in schools is to improve academic achievement,
foster positive study attitudes, increase acquisitions and application of conflict resolution
skills, and decrease school dropouts. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of
head teachers in provision of guidance and counseling services in community secondary
schools in Bunda district. The study adopted Fayol’s Educational administrative and
Education management theory by Tony Bush to study 160 respondents in Bunda district.
The study employed mixed method approach and was conducted using descriptive survey
design. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages were used to analyze
data generated from questionnaires. Data from interviews were transcribed and organized
into themes. The validity and reliability of questionnaires were enhanced through pilot
study done in one school which was not used in the study. The findings of the study
showed that head teachers do not play their roles in provision of guidance and counseling
especially in areas of planning, controlling, coordinating and motivation. Based on these
findings, it was recommended that; head teachers should plan for the provision of
guidance and counseling by showing it in an action plan, head teacher’s needs to organize
guidance and counseling services by providing counseling offices where privacy is made
a priority.