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The impact of Large Class Sizes Upon the Quality of Assessment and Feedback at Saint Augustine University of Tanzania

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dc.creator NKWENGE, Sixbert Mwesiga 2022-01-17T09:37:59Z 2022-01-17T09:37:59Z 2013-10 2022-10-21T10:11:24Z 2022-10-21T10:11:24Z
dc.description This cross sectional study on “The impact of large class sizes upon the Quality of Assessment and feedback at Saint Augustine University of Tanzania” was conducted in Saint Augustine University of Tanzania Nyegezi main campus from September 2012 to July 2013.The main objectives of the study were: To determine the average undergraduate class size at SAUT, to evaluate academic teaching staff and undergraduate students opinion on what constitutes a large class, to describe how SAUT undergraduates’ are assessed, to measure how satisfied SAUT undergraduates’ are with quality of their assessment and feedback, to determine the impact of large class size upon the quality of undergraduate assessment and feedback and to evaluate undergraduate students and academic staff suggestions for improving the quality of assessment and feedback at the university. Two types of questionnaire were administered to 154 undergraduate students and 56 academic staff. The results revealed that the average number of students in lectures was 251 – 500 at SAUT. The satisfaction of both students and academic staff with quality of assessment and feedback did not correlate with probing questions which shows dissatisfactions with inadequate learning and teaching resources, poor lecturers’ qualifications were also mentioned as factor that contributed negatively to quality of undergraduate assessment and feedback Students and academic staff suggested dividing lecture rooms into manageable sizes so as to improve the quality of assessment and feedback
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.subject Large Class Sizes; Quality of Assessment
dc.title The impact of Large Class Sizes Upon the Quality of Assessment and Feedback at Saint Augustine University of Tanzania
dc.type Thesis

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