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Access and use of internet in teaching and learning at two selected teachers’ colleges in Tanzania

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dc.creator Chirwa, M. N. 2018-10-26T09:17:59Z 2018-10-26T09:17:59Z 2018 2022-10-25T08:50:03Z 2022-10-25T08:50:03Z
dc.description International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 2018, Vol. 14(2): pp. 4-16
dc.description Recently, the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is inevitable especially in improving education system. It is on the basis of this reality that this paper investigated access and use of Internet in teaching and learning in teachers’ colleges (TCs), basing on two selected colleges in Tanzania. The results indicate that the majority (83.2%) of respondents used the Internet for academic purposes, 61.3% used it for searching news and 50% for communication, slightly more than a half (52%) of the respondents were using Internet for games and entertainments while only (43%) used it for social network. However, the frequency of using internet for academic purposes is not convincing as only 12.5% of the respondents used it daily. There is also limited access to internet and ICT facilities in these teachers’ colleges in Tanzania. It is therefore, concluded that the parent ministry in co-operation with college principals should improve Internet access and use in TCs by ensuring that there is good access to ICT facilities that offers internet services, tutors are well trained on ICTs basics and information literacy, and that the ratio of tutors and student-teachers to computers and other ICTs available in their colleges is improved.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.subject ICT
dc.subject Internet
dc.subject Teaching and learning
dc.subject Teachers colleges
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.title Access and use of internet in teaching and learning at two selected teachers’ colleges in Tanzania
dc.type Article

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