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Assessement of social support projects for vulnerable groups towards poverty reduction : a case study of TASAF in Bukoba district

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dc.creator Lupilya, George Stanslaus 2014-08-20T10:04:06Z 2014-08-20T10:04:06Z 2007 2022-10-25T08:50:09Z 2022-10-25T08:50:09Z
dc.identifier Lupilya, G. S (2007). Assessement of social support projects for vulnerable groups towards poverty reduction: a case study of TASAF in Bukoba district. Morogoro: Sokoine University of Agriculture.
dc.description This study was conducted in Bukoba District being one of the pilot districts in Tanzania to implement social support projects supported by TASAF. The overall objective of this study was to assess the impact of social support projects on vulnerable groups in Bukoba District, Kagera Region. The specific objectives of this study were to identify TASAF development interventions on poverty reduction through social support projects; to compare social support project participants under TASAF and non-TASAF projects participants; and to determine factors that lead to sustainability of the TASAF sub- projects. A cross-sectional research design was applied in this study. A representative sample of 156 respondents (120 TASAF participants, 36 non-TASAF participants) was drawn from the sampling frame. Data from the questionnaires were analyzed statistically using statistical packages for social science (SPSS) and statistical test were done using the chi-squire to test the significant difference between the strata. The study revealed that there was no much difference in the state of living between project participants and non participants. Problems that face the projects are: inadequate cash to buy inputs, diseases of crops and animals, inadequate and ineffective extension services, insufficient cooperation within participants and leaders, long distance to the field and lack of competent trainers in carpentry, tailoring and milling projects. The study recommends that district council should make close follow up of the progress of the projects; that the inputs are available at the right time and at affordable price and sensitize the vulnerable people to form SACCOS so as to access to credits. NGOs do their responsibilities diligently; village governments should backup the vulnerable people to ensure progress of their projects and households should be aware that the projects are for their benefits andiii therefore they should ensure that they dedicate their efforts towards achievement of their project goals.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Sokoine University of Agriculture
dc.subject Poverty reduction
dc.subject Kagera Region
dc.subject Social support project
dc.subject TASAF
dc.subject Bukoba district
dc.title Assessement of social support projects for vulnerable groups towards poverty reduction : a case study of TASAF in Bukoba district
dc.type Thesis

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