The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of parent’s income on the student’s
performance in primary schools in Tabora region. The specific objectives of the study
were;(i) to examine the relationship between parent’s education level and students’
performance;(ii) to investigate the extent of fulfillments of basic study materials needed in
class and during private time studies; (iii) to investigate parental influence on managing
students’ time and other necessary resources investing in education; and (iv) to analyze the
influences of parent’s income and students’ performance. The study used cross-sectional
survey design in data collection. The aim was to allow collection of data on different
groups of respondents at one point at a time. Data were collected using an interview and
questionnaires. Moreover, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was employed during data
collection. Cross tabulation and logistic regression models were used to analyze data on the
factors that influence student’s school performance. The study was purposely carried in
only one primary school selected out of 72 primary schools in Tabora Municipality (due to
its students’ family income heterogeneity). The study involved 120 respondents (63 pupils;
19 teachers and 38 parents). Study findings revealed that the availability of teaching-
learning materials to students and long distance from home to school affected student’s
performance in Tabora region. Other factors like student’s attitude towards education;
tuition and student’s self time study affect student’s performance in Tabora region. Thus,
the study recommends on the availability of teaching-learning materials to students. Further
more, the study recommends on introduction of various programmes that could improve
student’s attitude towards education. More over, many schools should be built to reduce
distance from home to school a factor that tends to affect student’s performance in Tabora.