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Survival, growth, stem form and wood basic density of five Pinus Merkusii provenances at Buhindi, Mwanza, Tanzania

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dc.creator Mugasha, A. G.
dc.creator Mgalla, H.A.
dc.creator Iddi, S.
dc.creator Nshubemuki, L.
dc.creator Chamshama, S.A.O.
dc.creator Malimbwi, R. E. 2017-02-13T12:06:58Z 2017-02-13T12:06:58Z 1998 2022-10-25T08:50:26Z 2022-10-25T08:50:26Z
dc.description Silvae Genetica 47, 2–3 (1998)
dc.description The performance of 16 Pinus oocarpa (including 5 now reclassified as Pinus patula spp. tecunumanii) provenances at Buhindi Mwanza, Tanzania: is evaluated in terms of survival, height growth, breast height diameter, basal area per ha, wood basic density and stem form. The final assessment was carried out at the age of 22 years. The main results of the study were: – Before angular transformation, survival varied from 77% (Rafael, Nicaragua) to 56% (Conacaste, Guatemala). However no significant difference (P >0.05) in survival was detected after such transformation. – Height growth showed significant differences (P< 0.05) at all ages. At 22 years the outstanding provenances were Siguatepeque (Honduras), Rafael (Nicaragua), and Zamorano (Honduras). Least height growth was shown by Bonete (Nicaragua) provenance. – Significant differences (P< 0.05) were detected in breast height diameter. Outstanding provenances were Yucul, Camelias (Nicaragua) and Mt. Pine Ridge-K49 (Belize). Least performers were Zamorano (Honduras) and Lagulnilla (Guatemala) provenances. – Significant differences (P< 0.05) were detected in basal area per ha development. The Bucaral (Guatemala) provenance was outstanding while least basal area development was recorded in the Conacaste, Lagunilla (Guatemala) and Siguatepeque (Honduras) provenances. – The Bucaral (Guatemala) provenance was significantly superior (P< 0.05) in wood basic density. Least wood basic density values were recorded from Camelias, Yucul, Rafael, Junquillo (Nicaragua), Angeles (Honduras) and the Lagumilla (Guatemala) provenances. – No significant differences (P >0.05) in stem form were observed. It is suggested that the 5 Pinus patula SCHIEDE and DEPPE ssp. tecunumanii (EQUILUZ and PERRY) provenances are likely candidates for species diversification in the Lake Victoria zone where the main plantation species is Pinus caribaea. However, noting that more than half of the natural distribution of P. oocarpa occurs outside central America, more provenances need to be tested to cover that extended range. Similarly, the sparse sampling of P. patula ssp. tecunumanii also needs additional representation. Restricting the results of this study to Pinus oocarpa, provenance ranking in diminishing order of performance gives: Bucaral (Guatemala), Zapotillo, Zamorano (Honduras), Chuacus (Guatemala), Siguatepeque (Honduras), Bonete, Junquillo (Nicaragua), Conacaste (Guatemala), Angeles (Honduras) and San Jose (Guatemala); and Lagunilla (Guatemala). In descending order of performance, suitable Pinus patula ssp. tecunumanii provenances are Mt. Pine Ridge (K49), Mt. Pine Ridge (K29), Rafael, Yucul and Camelias (Nicaragua).
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.relation Silvae Genetica;47, 2–3 (1998)
dc.subject Pinus merkusii
dc.subject P. patula ssp
dc.subject Pinus oocarpa
dc.subject Tecunumanii
dc.subject Provenances
dc.subject Natural range
dc.subject Alternative species
dc.title Survival, growth, stem form and wood basic density of five Pinus Merkusii provenances at Buhindi, Mwanza, Tanzania
dc.type Article

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