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Networking by the rural poor as a mechanism for community development within the Neoliberal context: the case of women networks in Mkalama District, Singida region, Tanzania.

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dc.creator Madaha, Rasel 2018-06-03T10:25:45Z 2018-06-03T10:25:45Z 2017-11-08 2022-10-25T08:50:31Z 2022-10-25T08:50:31Z
dc.identifier Madaha, R. (2017). NETWORKING BY THE RURAL POOR AS A MECHANISM FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE NEOLIBERAL CONTEXT: The Case of Women Networks in Mkalama District, Singida Region, Tanzania. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Dar es salaam: University of Dar es salaam
dc.description This study examined the role of Village Community Networks (VCONE) in the promotion of community development. Specifically, the study examined “push and pull” factors for joining VCONEs; the role of VCONEs and associated gendered implications in community development; and finally, problems, challenges and coping strategies of VCONEs. The study has employed a case study research method. It has been informed by socialist feminism and social network theories. A sample of 13 VCONEs with members totalling 363 participated in the study through semi-structured questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions, transect walks, informal mapping and in-depth interviews. The overall findings of the study indicate that women, despite the barriers associated with the neoliberal context and patriarchal culture, join VCONEs to address some of the challenges of neoliberalism. Moreover, the networks have led to the attainment of community development through channelling important resources to women. Finally, VCONEs have taken some initial steps for coping with neoliberalism. Contrary to the dominant knowledge, this study has revealed that free market policies are functionless in communities with scarce resources subjecting women to new forms of patriarchal exploitation. Therefore, it is recommended that the government needs to come up with policies that specifically target victims of neoliberalism and marginalised women in particular. Concomitant with that, it is also recommended that patriarchal culture be changed to facilitate full realisation of community development. On the whole, VCONEs add to the socialist feminist theory and social network theory by serving as platforms for grassroots organisation and activism.
dc.description The Federal Government of the United States of America, Sokoine University of Agriculture, CODESRIA, America Political Science Association (APSA)
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en_US
dc.publisher University of Dar es salaam
dc.subject Community Development, Neoliberalism, Women Networks, VCONEs, Gender, Microfinance, Feminism, Socialism
dc.title Networking by the rural poor as a mechanism for community development within the Neoliberal context: the case of women networks in Mkalama District, Singida region, Tanzania.
dc.type Thesis

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