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Non-governmental organisations’ funding and its implication for service delivery in Moshi municipality, Tanzania

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dc.creator Kweyamba, T. 2019-10-29T05:02:31Z 2019-10-29T05:02:31Z 2018 2022-10-25T08:50:36Z 2022-10-25T08:50:36Z
dc.description PhD Thesis
dc.description Non-Governmental Organisations’ (NGOs’) access to funds has remained a problem despite several interventions focusing on improving it. The main objective of this study was to assess NGO funding and its implication for delivery of services. Specifically, the study sought to examine funding patterns for NGOs’ service delivery, analyse determinants of access to funding by NGOs, determine attitude of beneficiaries towards service delivery and to determine linkages between access to funds and service delivery among NGOs. The study was conducted in Moshi Municipality in Tanzania and adopted a cross-sectional research design. The sample size was 348 respondents and sixteen focus group discussions were conducted. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic content analysis. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS and MS Excel software. Data analysis employed: cross-tabulation with Chi square tests, binary logistic regression and ordinal logistic regressions. It was found that international donors were the main source of funds for NGOs in Moshi Municipality; NGOs access to funds was influenced by education level of employees, size and experience of an NGO, capabilities and achievements of an NGO and nature of NGO involvement. Individual beneficiaries of NGOs had positive attitude towards service delivery by NGOs. Provision of service on time and services targeting beneficiaries’ needs were most important factors determining attitude of beneficiaries towards service delivery (p<0.05). The availability of NGO networks, NGOs’ responsiveness to beneficiaries, NGO-beneficiary consultations and focusing on the needs of the beneficiaries as indicators of NGOs’ access to funding had significant influence on service delivery by NGOs in Moshi Municipality (p<0.05). It is concluded that service delivery of NGOs in the study area depends on international donors’ support. NGO characteristics particularly; education level of employees, size, experience, capabilities and their nature; influence NGOs access to funds. NGOs beneficiaries have accepting attitude towards service delivery. NGOs service delivery is determined by availability of networks, responsiveness to beneficiaries, beneficiary consultations and focusing on the needs of beneficiaries. The study recommends to NGOs to reform and restructure their operational structures and strategies with a view to improve their characteristics that will enhance their access to fund from local and international sources. NGOs should strengthen the education capacity of their employees on funding access. Moreover, NGOs should devise strategies and programmes to leverage resources with government based interventions and initiatives including individual and community groups for efficient and effective service delivery.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Sokoine University of Agriculture
dc.subject Non-governmental organisations’ funding
dc.subject Non-governmental organisations
dc.subject NGO funding
dc.subject Service delivery
dc.subject Moshi municipality
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.title Non-governmental organisations’ funding and its implication for service delivery in Moshi municipality, Tanzania
dc.type Thesis

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