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Single nucleotide polymorphisms at heat shock protein 90 gene and their association with thermo-tolerance potential in selected indigenous Nigerian cattle

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dc.creator Onasanya, Gbolabo O.
dc.creator Msalya, George M.
dc.creator Thiruvenkadan, Aranganoor K.
dc.creator Sreekumar, Chirukandoth
dc.creator Tirumurugaan, Gopalan K.
dc.creator Sanni, Timothy M.
dc.creator Decampos, John S.
dc.creator Amusan, Samuel A.
dc.creator Olowofeso, Olajide
dc.creator Fafiolu, Adeboye O.
dc.creator Okpeku, Moses
dc.creator Yakubu, Abdulmojeed
dc.creator Ikeobi, Christian O. 2021-06-16T08:01:29Z 2021-06-16T08:01:29Z 2020 2022-10-25T08:50:36Z 2022-10-25T08:50:36Z
dc.identifier 0049-4747
dc.description Journal Article
dc.description Heat shock protein (HSP) 90 gene provides protection and adaptation to thermal assault and certain polymorphisms have been associated to heat tolerance in humans and animals. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of HSP 90 gene were used to evaluate the scientific basis of heat tolerance in four zebu breeds of Nigeria. The DNA was extracted from skin tissue of 90 adult bulls representing White Fulani (WF), Sokoto Gudali (SG), Red Bororo (RB), and Ambala (AM). The SNPs were determined in DNAs using PCR, sequencing, and visualization and bio-editing by chromatogram in SeqMan Ngen tool. Subsequently, respective genotypes were constructed and genotypic and allelic frequencies were computed. Also, body parameters related to heat stress (HS) including body temperature (BT), rectal temperature (RT), and respira-tory rates (RR) were taken for each animal before biological sampling and heat tolerance coefficient (HTC) was calculated. We detected four SNPs distinct/specific for each breed as follows: change from thymine (T) to guanine (G) at position 116 (T116G) in RB, G to cytosine (C) at 220 (G220C) in SG, G to adenine (A) at two positions, 346 (G346A) and 390 (G390A) in AM and WF, respectively. Heterozygous SNPs showed significantly lower values (P < 0.0001) for BT, RT, RR, and HTC than homozygous genotypes at all positions. We hypothesize that animals with heterozygous SNPs in exon 3 of HSP 90 may be tolerant to HS. These SNPs can be used as bio-markers for screening large populations of cattle for tolerance to hot tropical conditions in Nigeria and other sub-humid places.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Springer
dc.subject Heat stress
dc.subject Insertion-deletion
dc.subject SNP variants
dc.subject Transversion
dc.subject Zebu
dc.title Single nucleotide polymorphisms at heat shock protein 90 gene and their association with thermo-tolerance potential in selected indigenous Nigerian cattle
dc.type Article

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