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Genetic distinction between contiguous urban and rural multimammate mice in Tanzania despite gene flow

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dc.creator Gryseels, S.
dc.creator Goüy de Bellocq, J.
dc.creator Makundi, R.
dc.creator Vanmechelen, K.
dc.creator Broeckhove, J.
dc.creator Mazoch, V.
dc.creator Šumbera, R.
dc.creator Zima Jr, J.
dc.creator Leirs, H.
dc.creator Baird, S. J. E. 2018-08-07T05:11:21Z 2018-08-07T05:11:21Z 2016 2022-10-25T08:50:38Z 2022-10-25T08:50:38Z
dc.identifier 1010-061X
dc.description Journal of evolutionary biology, 2016; 29 (10):1952-1967
dc.description Special conditions are required for genetic differentiation to arise at a localgeographical scale in the face of gene flow. The Natal multimammatemouse, Mastomys natalensis, is the most widely distributed and abundantrodent in sub-Saharan Africa. A notorious agricultural pest and a naturalhost for many zoonotic diseases, it can live in close proximity to humansand appears to compete with other rodents for the synanthropic niche. Wesurveyed its population genetic structure across a 180-km transect in centralTanzania along which the landscape varied between agricultural land in arural setting and natural woody vegetation, rivers, roads and a city (Moro-goro). We sampled M. natalensis across 10 localities and genotyped 15microsatellite loci from 515 individuals. Hierarchical STRUCTURE analysesshow a K-invariant pattern distinguishing Morogoro suburbs (located in thecentre of the transect) from nine surrounding rural localities. Landscapeconnectivity analyses in Circuitscape and comparison of rainfall patternssuggest that neither geographical isolation nor natural breeding asynchronycould explain the genetic differentiation of the urban population. Using theisolation-with-migration model implemented in IMa2, we inferred that asplit between suburban and rural populations would have occurred recently(<150 years ago) with higher urban effective population density consistentwith an urban source to rural sink of effective migration. The observedgenetic differentiation of urban multimammate mice is striking given theuninterrupted distribution of the animal throughout the landscape and thehigh estimates of effective migration (2NeM = 3.0 and 29.7), suggesting astrong selection gradient across the urban boundary
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Journal of evolutionary biology.
dc.subject IMa2
dc.subject Mastomys natalensis
dc.subject Population genetics
dc.subject Spatial genetics
dc.subject Synanthropy
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.subject Urbanization
dc.title Genetic distinction between contiguous urban and rural multimammate mice in Tanzania despite gene flow
dc.type Article

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