M.Sc. Dissertation
The study attempts to examine the livelihood strategies and household food security of
vegetable street vendors in Morogoro town, Tanzania. Specifically, the study sought to:
(1) To document the nature of the institutional environment in which vegetable street
vending business is taking place, (2) To identify the type and extent of livelihood assets
owned by individuals working as vegetable street vendors, (3) To measure household food
security and dietary diversity of vegetable street vendors and (4) To identify strategies
employed by vegetable street vendors to cope with food shortage. A cross sectional study
design with mixed methods of sampling was employed whereby data were collected from
a total of 234 respondents between February and May, 2018. The study used both
quantitative and qualitative data. Semi structured questionnaire, in-depth interviews and
focus group discussions were used to obtain the data. Descriptive, inferential, and content
analysis methods were used for data analysis. The results showed that respondents own
various livelihood assets categorized as human, natural, physical, social and financial
capitals. On the other hand, the prevalence of household food insecurity was high (55.5%)
among respondents and most of them consumed between 5-9 different food groups
(moderate 50.5%) diverse diet. Several factors were identified to influence household food
security. These include land size (p<0.000), type of ownership of land (p<0.005), house
ownership (p<0.019), motorcycles ownership (p<0.005), bicycles ownership (p<0.005),
relative distance to selling point (p<0.011), membership in community Organisation
(p<0.000) and type of social Organisation (p<0.035). Others were access to credit
(p<0.003), receiving remittances (p<0.000) and training received (p<0.014). Using binary
regression model it was found that ownership of the house (p<0.038), membership of
community Organisation (p<0.032), and type of transport used (p<0.000) were
determinant of food security. It was noted that respondents employ a number of coping
strategies during food shortages, which include selling labour, borrowing from relatives, diet change and getting support from relatives were common in the study area. The study
concludes that food insecurity is still a problem in the study respondents. It is
recommended that LGAs and NGOs support the sector through provision of training on
business skills or entrepreneur, low interest credits, formulation of favourable policies to
support vegetable vendors and empowering them by forming an association.