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Assessment of farmers handling practices and effectiveness of different post harvest technologies of maize in Kilosa District

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dc.creator Henry, C. L. 2019-03-05T08:42:02Z 2019-03-05T08:42:02Z 2018 2022-10-25T08:51:07Z 2022-10-25T08:51:07Z
dc.description MSc. Dissertation 2018
dc.description Post-harvest management during handling and storage of maize are crucial for ensuring food security. This study was carried out to assess farmers handling practices and effectiveness of different post-harvest technologies of maize in Kilosa district. A household survey on farmers handling practices and post-harvest technologies used by the farmers to store maize was conducted in Mabwerebwere and Ulaya wards of Kilosa district. The study recorded farmers habits on maize handling practices and polypropylene bags were commonly used to store maize. Main causes of post-harvest losses were found to be insects and rodents. However, the study found post-harvest losses occur mainly during shelling and transporting. Also, laboratory experiment was set up for six months to analyze grain quality in maize stored in polypropylene/Hessian bags (PB), multi-layered plastic bags (PICS), metal silo (MS), roof storage with smoke (RS) and roof storage without smoke (R). The parameters analyzed were percentage moisture content (MC), grain damage (GD) loss and mould growth (MG) at 0 day, 90 days and 180 days. The MC (%) was found to increase with the increase in storage time and ranged from 12.20 to 22.66%. The percent grain damaged was found to increase as storage time increase (0.85 to 21.01%). The MG (log CFU/g) was found to increase with the increase in MC and storage time (4.53 to 5.45 log CFU/g). From the study, the grain quality in terms of moisture and mould growth tended to deteriorate with storage period. Multi-layered plastic bags (PICS) and metal silo were much effective for longer period storage of maize without affecting grain quality compared with hessian bags, roof storage with or without smoking. Further studies on the levels of aflatoxins in the maize stored using different storage facilities are recommended.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Sokoine University of Agriculture
dc.subject Maize harvest technologies
dc.subject Farmers handling practices
dc.subject Maize storage
dc.subject Kilosa District
dc.title Assessment of farmers handling practices and effectiveness of different post harvest technologies of maize in Kilosa District
dc.type Thesis

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