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Members’ views on ownership and democratic sustainability in primary agricultural marketing co-operatives in Tanzania; evidence from Bukoba and Moshi districts

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dc.creator Rwekaza, Gratian Cronery
dc.creator Kayunze, Kim Abel
dc.creator Kimaryo, Leons Philip 2022-10-20T08:33:46Z 2022-10-20T08:33:46Z 2019 2022-10-25T08:51:15Z 2022-10-25T08:51:15Z
dc.identifier Cite this article as: Rwekaza, G. C., Kayunze, K. A. & Kimaryo, L. P. (2019). Members’ Views on Ownership and Democratic Sustainability in Primary Agricultural Marketing Co-operatives in Tanzania; Evidence from Bukoba and Moshi District, East African Journal of Social and Applied Sciences, 1(2), 70-84.
dc.identifier 0856-9681
dc.description Research paper
dc.description Globally, the sustainability of democracy in co-operatives plays a key social function in the co-operative organization to promote economic and social relations among members. The objective of the study was to determine members’ views on factors influencing AMCOS sustainability. A cross-sectional design was used whereby 400 members were selected from ten primary AMCOS in Bukoba and Moshi districts. The study used primary data which was collected through household survey, interviews, focus group discussion and key informant interviews Documentary material were utilized to collect secondary data. The study revealed that membership has decreased over the previous ten years (prior to 2015). On the other hand, the democratic governance was assessed and the extent of prevalence of good governance and democratic practice was found to be low (With a mean score of 4.09 that had 18.56 percentage score). The study concluded that primary AMCOS need a continuity of democratic practices by engaging in multiple crops (as opposed to coffee only which is seasonal) to bring sustainable democracy which will not be seasonal. It is recommended that, the sustainability of democratic governance of the primary AMCOS will be achieved if members fully participate in creating solutions to common challenge.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher East African Journal of Social and Applied Sciences
dc.subject Democratic Sustainability
dc.subject Primary Agricultural Marketing Co-operatives
dc.title Members’ views on ownership and democratic sustainability in primary agricultural marketing co-operatives in Tanzania; evidence from Bukoba and Moshi districts
dc.type Article

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