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Impact of habitat degradation on the assemblage of riparian ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

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dc.creator Crodward, N.
dc.creator Nehemia, A
dc.creator Rumisha, C.
dc.creator Maganira, J. D. 2021-08-06T05:52:07Z 2021-08-06T05:52:07Z 2019 2022-10-25T08:51:16Z 2022-10-25T08:51:16Z
dc.description Conference paper
dc.description This study assessed the impact of habitat degradation on the assemblage of riparian ground beetles in the Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. The beetles were collected from three degraded (Ngerengere, Morogoro and Kikundi) and three relatively pristine streams (Bigwa, Vituli and Lukuyu) during the rainy season between January and April 2013. The beetles were collected by active searching on the ground, in leaf litters, under logs and stones. The abundance, species richness and diversity of the beetles were analyzed using Diversity and Richness ver. 2.65, PRIMER ver. 6.1 and SYSTAT ver. 10. The abundance of beetles was significantly high in relatively pristine streams (n=143) compared to the degraded streams (n=75; 34.4%) (Mann-Whitney U=4396.500; p<0.05). Metagonum sp.2, Peryphus sp.3, Boeomimetes ephippium, Abacetus sp.2 were the most abundant in relatively pristine streams while Diatypus uluguruanus, Metagonum mboko, Peryphus sp.3 were the most abundant in degraded streams. The highest species richness (S=21) was recorded in relatively pristine streams (s=21) while the lowest species richness (S=13) was recorded in the degraded streams. Furthermore, relatively pristine streams showed the highest average diversity (H′ = 2.5359) compared to the degraded streams (H′ = 2.0662). Based on the findings, ground beetles are good indicators of habitat quality. These results call for strengthened measures to control degradation of the riparian areas in the Morogoro municipality.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Sokoine University of Agriculture
dc.subject Ground beetles
dc.subject Carabidae
dc.subject Habitat degradation
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.title Impact of habitat degradation on the assemblage of riparian ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania
dc.type Conferencce Proceedings

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