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Profitability, labour input, fertilizer application and crop protection in vegetable production in the Arusha region, Tanzania

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dc.creator Everaarts, A. P.
dc.creator De Putter, H.
dc.creator Maerere, A. P. 2017-06-21T11:13:01Z 2017-06-21T11:13:01Z 2015 2022-10-25T08:52:08Z 2022-10-25T08:52:08Z
dc.description 2015 Wageningen, Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek, Research Institute Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving/Plant Research International, P.O. Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands; T +31 (0)317 48 07 00; Project no: African Vegetables 32.500.713.00
dc.description An analysis was made of the inputs, costs and profit of vegetable production in three areas in the Arusha region of Tanzania. The major aim of the study was to establish whether vegetable producers would have the means to invest in modern production methods, such as hybrid seeds and drip irrigation, to improve and intensify their production. The average income from crop production, as measured from 65 data sets on individual crop production, was 17,362 Tanzanian Shilling per hectare per growing day in the production field (TZS/ha/Gday). This amounts to around 7,500 TSZ per day throughout the year from 0.53 hectare which is the average area of vegetable production of the farmers in the study. After deduction of approximated daily expenses of a five-member household, the remaining earnings would only make a gradual introduction of hybrid seeds and drip irrigation possible, if the purchase of these goods has to be financed from earnings of vegetable production alone. Farmers complained about the lack of access to affordable credit. Companies supplying hybrid seeds and modern vegetable production equipment would do wise to offer safe and affordable credit. Profit per crop was primarily influenced by labour input and to a lower extent by yield level and product prize. Average labour input per crop ranged from three to thirteen hours per hectare per growing day in the production field (h/ha/Gday). The average for all crops was 6.4 h/ha/Gday, amounting to 3.4 hours per day for every day of the year on 0.53 hectare of vegetable production. Eighty nine per cent of labour spend, was hired labour, constituting 54 per cent of the average total production costs. Costs of fertilizer application, on average were eighteen per cent of total production costs. Amounts of inorganic fertilizer applied varied considerably between areas and between vegetable fields in an area. Farmers complained about high costs of inorganic fertilizers, which may be the reason for low amounts applied. Average costs of crop protection were six per cent of total production costs. Most of the active ingredients of fungicides applied are of the mancozeb type, while most of the active ingredients of the insecticides used belong to the organochlorines and organophosphates. Herbicide use was limited and only found in carrot production. To protect farmers’ and consumers health, and the environment, comprehensive efforts are needed to especially replace toxic insecticides.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Wageningen
dc.subject Vegetable production
dc.subject Profitability
dc.subject Labour use
dc.subject Fertilizer application
dc.subject Crop protection
dc.subject Arusha
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.title Profitability, labour input, fertilizer application and crop protection in vegetable production in the Arusha region, Tanzania
dc.type Technical Report

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