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Effect of human activities on composition and regeneration of woody species in Morogoro fuelwood reserve, Morogoro, Tanzania

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dc.creator Singo, Ijumaa Kombo Mcharo 2015-01-06T08:47:05Z 2015-01-06T08:47:05Z 2007 2022-10-25T08:52:17Z 2022-10-25T08:52:17Z
dc.description Morogoro Fuelwood Reserve (MFR) is a productive forest under the management of Mvomero district and Morogoro Municipal Authority. The reserve has been modified through human activities. The aim of this study was to investigate effect of human activities on composition and regeneration of woody species in MFR. Seventy four plots each with an area of 0.07 hectare were systematically established in 10 transects. Socio- economic data obtained through household (5%) interviews using structured questionnaire, informal discussion and direct observations in the village of Wami Sokoine and Maili kumi na nane & Mawasiliano streets. Microsoft excel software was used to analyse the quantitative data for forest parameters, while SPSS program, content and structural-functional analytical tools applied on socio-economic data. A total of 52 woody species belonging to 18 families were identified. The three most dominant tree species in terms of their IVI were Combretum molle, Sclerocary birrea, and Pteleopsis myritifolia. Tree stocking was 403 stems ha –1 while basal area and volume were 2.12m 2 ha –1 and 9.58m 3 ha –1 respectively. On average there were 7 233 stems ha -1 of regenerants. Combretum molle had higher regeneration potential in the reserve. The Shannon Wierner (2.7293) and Simpson (0.0705) Indices were reasonably average. Chi- square test showed that charcoal making, firewood collection, livestock grazing and wild fire were the major human activities that cause significant degradation of forest resources in the MFR. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the socio-economic factors that significantly influence demand for forest resources and subsequent degradation of the MFR are household size, cropping system, mode of farm preparation, average income, mode of livestock keeping and distance to sources of forest products. The study concludes that, although tree species richness and diversity are on average high, the MFR has been affected by activities of the adjacent human communities, which is shown by reduced wood stocks, basal area and volume. It is recommended that there should be regular assessment and monitoring to maintain ecological and environmental integrity of this reserve.
dc.description Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Forestry and Beekeeping Division
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Sokoine University of Agriculture
dc.subject Regeneration
dc.subject Fuelwood
dc.subject Morogoro fuel reserve
dc.subject Mvomero district
dc.subject Woody species
dc.title Effect of human activities on composition and regeneration of woody species in Morogoro fuelwood reserve, Morogoro, Tanzania
dc.type Thesis

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