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Assessment of effectiveness of teaching agricultural programme to adult learners in the selected centres in Tunduru district, Tanzania

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dc.creator Malibiche, F. R. 2019-10-31T11:39:32Z 2019-10-31T11:39:32Z 2018 2022-10-25T08:52:17Z 2022-10-25T08:52:17Z
dc.description Masters Thesis
dc.description The study on assessment of the effectiveness of teaching agricultural programme to adult learners in selected centres through Integrated Community Based Adult Education (ICBAE) was carried out in Tunduru district council in Tanzania. Specifically, the study sought to determine socio-economic factors of the adult learners in adult education centres and teachers’ characteristics; assessing knowledge of the agricultural programme in adult education centres; to assess application of recommended basic practices of agricultural programme and to determine the perception of adult learners on the effectiveness of the teaching agricultural programme to improve learners’ livelihood. The study comprised a sample of 244 adult learners who were randomly selected by using electronic number generator technique. Primary data were obtained using questionnaire, focus group discussion, key informant interviews and observation of any agricultural programme conducted in the study area. Quantitative and qualitative data were analysed using Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and content analysis respectively. The study found that teaching agricultural programme in the selected adult centres in ICBAE was not effective. This is because of the fact that only one adult education centre out of 11 adult centres teaches the agricultural programme. This study recommends that the Tunduru District Council should equip adult centres with teachers and other teaching resources, for smooth running of the agricultural programmes and set adequate funds to improve the availability and accessibility of agricultural programme.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Sokoine University of Agriculture
dc.subject Assessment
dc.subject Effectiveness
dc.subject Teaching agricultural programme
dc.subject Agricultural programme
dc.subject Adult learners
dc.subject Tunduru district
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.title Assessment of effectiveness of teaching agricultural programme to adult learners in the selected centres in Tunduru district, Tanzania
dc.type Thesis

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