dc.description |
The study aimed at determining the use of mobile phones in accessing rice information for
adaptation to climate change in Kilosa and Kilombero Districts in Morogoro Region. The
study involved 400 rain fed-rice farmers owning mobile phones. The study adopted a
cross-sectional research design to collect data using a semi-structured questionnaire, focus
group discussions and key informants interview. Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) was used in the data analysis. Quantitative data were analysed using frequency,
percentages, chi-square, binary logistic regression and poisson count regression.
Qualitative data were analysed through content analysis. The study found that sociodemographic
factors influenced respondents’ use of mobile phone for accessing rice
information for adaptation to climate change were sex, age, education level, marital status,
farm size, farming experience, radio ownership and off-farm incomes. In addition, access
to market location was statistically significantly influenced use of mobile phones for
accessing rice information for adaptation to climate change at p< 0.02. Moreover, few, 99
(24.8%)of the respondents used mobile phone to access strategic rice information while
105 (26.3%) of the respondents used mobile phone to access tactical rice information for
adaptation to climate change. Furthermore, use of mobile phones for accessing rice
information for adaption to climate change among study districts was low and did not
differ at p< 0.08. Voice calling was most used application compared to other application.
Moreover, type of rice variety, type of herbicides and weather forecast information was the
major rice information for adaptation to climate change accessed by respondents through
mobile phone. The study concludes that socio-demographic and institutional factors
influence use of mobile phones for accessing rice information for adaptation to climate
change. It can also be concluded the respondents’ use of mobile phones to access rice
information for adaptation to climate change in study areas was low.The study
recommends that Kilosa and Kilombero Districts council through DAICO’s should train
farmers in using mobile phones in accessing rice information for adaptation to climate
change through campaigns, workshop and seminars |