African Zoology
The trematode Paraconcinnum leirsi n.sp. (Dicrocoeliidae) is described from two rodent
species, the African gerbil, Gerbilliscus vicinus, and the spiny mouse, Acomys spinosissimus,
from Tanzania. It differs from the description of P. hylomisci found in the Stella wood mouse,
Hylomyscus stella, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Molecular studies were performed by
sequencing the near complete 18S rDNA gene of the fluke to assess its phylogenetic position
within the Dicrocoeliidae. The resulting estimate of evolutionary divergence between the fluke
and other dicrocoeliids was 1.60 ± 0.22% base differences per site. The phylogenetic analysis
shows that the fluke is a new species within Dicrocoeliidae falling in a cluster with the genera
Corrigia, Lyperosomum, Concinnum and Eurytrema although phylogenetic relationships
among these genera are not well resolved. This is the first dicrocoeliid reported from rodents in
eastern Africa.