MSc Thesis
In Tanzania, pig production for meat is becoming popular in many parts of the country and
contributes significantly to the livelihood outcomes. The purpose of this study was to
determine how pig keeping can contribute to smallholder farmers’ livelihood outcomes.
Specifically it focused on assessing the impact of pig husbandry introduced interventions
on the livelihood outcomes of pig keepers, evaluating acceptability of the new model
system, adopted technologies and products among smallholder pig farmers and at
identifying factors affecting smallholder pig production. The study adopted a cross-
sectional research survey and was conducted in Mbozi and Mbeya districts in Mbeya
Region, Tanzania. Purposive sampling was used to select 160 smallholder pig farmers
from intervention and control groups. Data were collected using a questionnaire, focus
group discussion and key informant interviews. The study found out that pig keeping had
contributed significantly to the livelihood outcomes of pig keepers in the intervention
group as compared to the control group. Pig keepers in the former possessed more assets
with high value following the intervention compared to the latter. In the intervention group
four new management systems were introduced that included: knowledge/education,
hygienic pig confinement, anthelmintic treatment and feed supplementation. Results from
the study show that majority accepted and adopted the introduced interventions. Despite
the contribution of pig keeping to the achievement of farmers’ livelihood outcomes,
households in both intervention and control groups face several constraints, however, the
control group were severely affected by diseases while lack of capital was more serious to
the intervention group. It is therefore recommended that; the Government and other
stakeholders to invest in research and come up with better ways of dealing with the
common pig diseases. It is further recommended that, education on pig production should
be extended to all pig keepers in the study areas.